
What are the benefits of pursuing leadership opportunities as a student?

  1. You develop confidence
  2. You develop the ability to negotiate
  3. You develop a sense of responsibility
  4. You develop communication skills
  5. You gain résumé credentials


Leadership opportunities in business management schools in the Philippines come in different extra-curricular forms; organizations, volunteer groups, and student government. In fact, all colleges are required to have these because they are important for the growth and development of their students. It is understood by everyone involved that classroom learning alone will not make graduates ready for the challenges of adulthood and professional work.

If you have been thinking of expanding your horizons through leadership opportunities, these are the reasons why you should not be afraid of pursuing them.


You develop confidence

It is vital that you develop a sense of confidence in college because having low self-esteem can give you problems in your future workplace. For instance, self-doubt makes you more prone to long-term anxiety. In the office, anxious employees often do not perform well because they are too worried about making mistakes and the wrong moves in uncertain situations.

Leadership opportunities at a business management school in the Philippines can remove your self-doubt by forcing you to believe in yourself more by mentally challenging you. The great thing about challenges is that they make us want to work harder and exert more effort in exchange for something beneficial. These benefits can come in many forms, such as praise, high grades, and accolades.

The more rewards you achieve through hard work, the easier it becomes for you to see your capabilities, and knowing what you are good at makes you develop confidence.


You develop negotiation skills

You develop negotiation skills

When you become a leader of a team in an organization or a department in the student government, you are pushed to make people from different walks of life work cohesively. To pull off a task this huge, you will definitely need negotiation skills.

Negotiation is described as a person’s ability to form a mutual agreement, formal or verbal, between two different parties. It is a talent that will suit many job positions. Hence, companies are always on the look for fresh graduates like you who know how to negotiate with co-workers, supervisor, and clients.


You develop a sense of responsibility

When freshmen students enter college, most of them underestimate how important being responsible is. But as the years pass by, most start to realize how only they are accountable for their academic success, and not their professors and classmates.

Your academic success is dependent on how responsible you are in juggling the different tasks, and usually, the most successful students are the people who take time to run for leadership positions in their extra-curricular activities.

Why is this the case? These chances make them realize that their actions will always have an impact on the people in their team. Additionally, they start to see that they are accountable for everyone involved because not only do you have to finish your own tasks, but you also need to make sure that your teammates are performing well. Consequently, they apply these learnings to their schoolwork and end up getting high remarks.


You develop communication skills

You develop communication skills

The ability to talk to people is not only important in college and further education, such as MBA. Communication skills will also matter when it comes to office work. This is because many employees are required to be confident to talk to groups of people about their company’s outputs, mission, values, products, and more.

Leadership opportunities which increase your public speaking prowess include speaking at organizational events, leading a debate team, and serving as a guide for freshmen students in your organization.


You gain résumé credentials

When it comes to looking for the right employees, companies do not only prioritize their former job experience. As a matter of fact, fresh graduates can compensate for their lack of work exposure or MBA, with extracurricular experiences in leadership.

For them, these credentials show, first, that you were able to handle more than your course responsibilities. Second, they believe that these opportunities taught you skills that will be valuable for many entry-level positions in the office.

Some of these skills include:

  • Problem-solving
  • Presentation
  • Multi-tasking
  • Goal-setting
  • Research

Additionally, hiring managers are not only impressed by applicants with a lot of technical competences but also applicants who took the time to volunteer. Why? Volunteering shows that you love being active in a community. Likewise, community service shows that you can easily adjust to any group of individuals and that you love helping and sharing your knowledge to other people. Both of these traits will be valuable when you become an employee.


Key Takeaway

Every business management student’s college journey will be incomplete without extracurricular activities with leadership opportunities. Together with the major course subjects, these experiences help students develop important skills and résumé experiences. All in all, no student shouldn’t be afraid of pursuing these leadership opportunities because they will the person become a more complete graduate.