
Bachelors of Science in


The Bachelor of Science in Economics responds to the demand for professionals with a strong grasp of the latest economic theories and rigorous empirical methods; evidence-driven approach in solving business, public policy, or civil society concerns here or abroad; and technical competence to recognize and adapt to latest market trends.

Our degree offering equips students with the aptitude and analytical framework to determine the best technical solution to a pressing economic problem. In turn, this prepares our students for socially meaningful and personally rewarding careers in multinational corporations, multilateral banking and financial institutions, reputable international organizations, key regulatory agencies, and government agencies.

The Enderun Economics program offers students the following specializations:

  • Globalization and Technology focuses on innovations and best practices in international and regional markets, and explores the impact of the four freedoms (freedom of goods, services, capital, and people) on an increasingly borderless world.
  • Enterprise and Development emphasizes the social and ecological impact of economics, cultivating future leaders who are economically literate, socially conscious, and possess a development mindset.
  • Economic Policy and Law represents the convergence of economic sciences and the legal system. It introduces students to competition policy, public finance, industrial policy, fiscal and monetary policies, national and local economic planning, and various spheres of government regulation.

Developing Economists with a Global Mindset

Globalization makes economic literacy a necessity. Future corporate executives, industry leaders, development practitioners, and public servants require a substantive understanding of the contemporary realities of free trade agreements, international financial markets, global value-chains, and regional development institutions.

To achieve this, Enderun Colleges has entered an academic collaboration with UCLA Extension to offer credit-bearing courses to its students. These courses provide students with an opportunity to learn from UCLA Extension professors and develop future-driven competencies

Additionally, students taking BS Economics also have opportunities to integrate classes from BSBA Technology Management, BSBA Sustainability Management, BS Entrepreneurship, and others into their own body of study. This holistic approach allows students to better apply their economics studies into specific industries, helping them to become well-rounded professionals.

CLICK HERE to learn more about our academic collaboration with UCLA Extension

Courses bearing academic credits from UCLA Extension

BC 109-0 Stats & Data Analytics (with UCLA COMSCI X 450 Data Science Fundamentals)
BC 101-0 Intermediate Mktg Mgt (with UCLA MGMT X 460 Digital Marketing)
BC 103-0 Mgt Tools&Techs (with UCLA MGMT X 457 Fundamentals of Blockchain Technology)
SU 500-0 Special Topics in Sustainability
SU 310-0 Socio-Ecological Entrepreneurship
TM 521-0 Management of Artificial Intelligence

Who Takes BS Economics?

BS Economics is an ideal college course for students who are naturally curious about the driving forces behind global markets and wish to apply this curiosity to real-world economic issues. Designed for those with a knack for critical analysis, this program equips learners with the analytical tools necessary to dissect complex economic phenomena and devise strategic solutions that have a tangible impact on business and society.

Why Take BS Economics?

In today’s complex and interdependent global economy, understanding economic principles is not just an academic exercise. It’s a critical skill set for making informed decisions that can literally shape futures. By integrating cutting-edge economic theories with hands-on empirical methods, our curriculum empowers students to tackle pressing issues in business, public policy, and civil society with confidence and precision.


Enderun believes in the importance of giving real-life, practical experience to its students. As such, Enderun requires its BS Economics students to complete two internships as part of their undergraduate curriculum. The school also encourages students to take at least one of their internships outside of the Philippines. This helps broaden their horizons, build character and provide a glimpse of how they fit in the global economy

  • 994 Global Industry Partners
  • 33 Countries as potential internship destinations (Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Maldives, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Qatar, Philippines, Portugal, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam)

Top Companies Providing Internship Opportunities for
BS Entrepreneurship Students.


John Tamayo, BS Economics, Class of 2020

During my studies in Entrepreneurship and Economics at Enderun Colleges, I had the opportunity to intern at esteemed institutions like the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Philippine Senate where I worked closely with the Office of Senator Richard Gordon. I actively contributed to significant initiatives, such as providing logistical support during PCCI’s Metro Manila Business Conference and assisting in the Complete Staff Work for the former senator’s briefers on government budget proposals and other political affairs.

These transformative internships allowed me to collaborate with respected industry leaders, gain insights into strategic planning across various business scales, and observe the intricacies of inclusive national policy-making. These experiences strengthened my commitment to person-centered policies and inspired me to pursue a voluntary internship at the World Youth Alliance Asia Pacific. The knowledge, skills, and values acquired during these internships have prepared me for a purpose-driven and impactful career, steering me towards social innovation, law, and public policy.

Throughout my internship journey, I received exceptional support from the Enderun Colleges’ approachable Office of Career Services and my dedicated internship adviser, Dr. Edgardo Rodriguez. Their extensive network and industry expertise facilitated valuable connections, and nurtured my growth as a well-rounded young professional. Their guidance and resources were instrumental in helping me navigate challenges and seize opportunities during my internships. I also developed a strong moral compass, with Dr. Rodriguez always emphasizing the value of daring to be different and making a difference. Enderun Colleges indeed empowers its students for future-ready and globally competitive career paths, and I’m deeply grateful for the enriching internship experiences they provided me and my fellow Titans.

Alex Rabaya, BS Economics Class of 2022

In 2021, I was fortunate enough to be selected as one of JP Morgan’s Corporate Analyst Development Program summer interns in the APAC region. My internship remains a top-tier college experience because I was able to get a glimpse of what it was like to work for a prestigious bank and receive mentorship and guidance from networks and colleagues all around the globe. It was a delightful experience overall – challenging but extremely rewarding at the same time. The firm has showed me the value of working for a brand that strives to deliver first class business for all, and in a multitude of ways, has honed me to become someone able to contribute to that mission. The journey did not stop there as I pursued a more permanent role with the bank in the Operations space right after graduation.Thanks to mobility opportunities within the firm, I’m now working at one of our Cebu offices under the Corporate and Investment Banking line of business.

I was able to make the best out of my internship because from the get-go, I had access to support and mentorship from my professors who happen to be industry practitioners as well. The classes I took put emphasis on understanding things from a theoretical perspective, but more importantly, knowing how to leverage that knowledge in everyday life. During my stay, the school was also very supportive of elements intergral to one’s personal and professional growth. These were through networking events, student body organizations, leadership programs, and many more. All of these have enabled me to excel in corporate very early on – something I graciously thank Enderun for.