
At a time when text can be produced by the megabyte and transmitted worldwide in seconds, a person’s ability to process and communicate information is crucial in all undertakings. Enderun students must not only be fluent in the English language; they must also critically sort the ideas being presented. The critical thinker tries to isolate the issue in a book, magazine or paper into its barest categorical form and differentiate fact from opinion before making a judgment.English Communication 2 will build on the foundation of English Communication 1. It aims to raise the skills of the students by going through a critical survey of the forms of academic discourse essential to collegiate and professional work. This course integrates the students’ ability to think and converse, inform and persuade others on given issues. It also aims to incorporate logical thinking and in-depth, critical analysis and discussion of issues dealing with matters relevant to students and the industry. The topics are light, even faddish yet close to the experiences of the youth. More importantly, premium is still given to research and fundamentals of academic work. Enderun students aspire to lead the hospitality industry. The Enderun English courses will take these aspirants through a progressive sequence of lessons and exercises giving them a holistic view of different communication styles and strategies that will get them going on their chosen career path.