
More often than not, people tend to associate BS Economics degrees with careers in banking, financial services, or research; all three of which are undoubtedly worthwhile careers. However, these aren’t the only careers Economics degree holders can pursue. In fact, Economics degrees are exceptionally well-rounded and adaptable, which allows graduates to pursue incredibly interesting careers in a wide range of industries. Some of these include:

1. Business Consultant

Management consultants typically work for consultancy firms that evaluate the practices and performance of different client businesses, analyze economic trends, and then advise these clients on changes that help maximize earnings and efficiency. For example, a management consulting firm might be hired to streamline workflows or to make recommendations regarding budget cuts.

2. Data Analyst

Data analysts collect, interpret, and analyze large sets of data to answer questions and monitor trends for the companies they work for. For example, they may help a company decide on the correct price point for a product or service or they may look for patterns in the web traffic coming into a business’ website.

Take note, however, that in today’s world, data analyst roles also require some basic knowledge in coding. As such, you may want to look for a data analytics bootcamp if you did not take any classes in computer science, information technology, or other related classes.

3. Business Journalist

A business journalist researches, evaluates, and writes reports about companies, stocks, market trends, and more for economics and business-centric publications like Bloomberg and The Economist. This career often means you’ll be interviewing experts and evaluating financial and economic studies, giving Economics graduates a significant advantage over those who do not share that background.

4. Policy Analyst

Policy analysts conduct research and analysis on the many issues that impact the general public. They then offer recommendations concerning legislation and government intervention to address these problems. Economic knowledge is highly valued when it comes to understanding many of the issues and for creating affordable solutions, which opens the door for many Economics graduates from top international colleges in the Philippines.